Medical Urgent Care
When You Can’t Wait to Feel Better…
After hours, evenings, weekends, holidays…
- Cold and flu symptoms
- Sore throats and colds
- Sprains and fractures
- Cuts and lacerations
- Rashes and minor burns
- Muscle aches and pains
- Animal and insect bites
- Pre-operative testing
- Fever, Headache, Coughs
- Corporate health
- Specialist referrals
- Treatment for minor illness and injury
- Back-to-school health screenings
- Workman’s compensation initial visit
- Minors wounds and scrapes
- Difficult or painful urination
- School, sports, and work physicals
- Allergic Reactions – Mild or Moderate
- Minor eye injuries, infections or irritations
- Treatment for work-related injuries
- Other minor conditions